Cure Stress-Based Back PainÂ
So, I’m guessing that you suspect that your back pain is being caused by stress and anxiety but you’re not quite sure. That’s totally understandable.
The idea that stress causes back pain is not acknowledged by the medical community as a whole or specifically the pain management industry. But rest assured, it definitely does.
Now maybe you’ve been to your doctor and have already been diagnosed with a structural problem with your spine. Here’s a partial list of common diagnoses for people suffering from back pain:
- Herniated discs
- Degenerative disc disease
- Bulging discs
- Ruptured discs
- Spinal stenosis
- Scoliosis
- Spondylolithesis
- Osteoarthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Pinched nerves
- Slipped discs
- Sciatica

This is not even close to a complete list.
Erroneous structural diagnoses for back pain are almost endless.
So, is your back pain a spine problem or a stress problem?Â
Don’t let your original medical diagnosis fool you. Most people who’ve cure themselves using a mind-body approach have already been “misdiagnosed” with a structural problem of the spine. MRI results are usually misleading and irrelevant.
Very few people over the age of 12 have an MRI that shows no spinal abnormalities. Just because a spine is not perfectly straight does not automatically mean that it’s causing your back pain. Usually, it’s not.
5 Clues Your Back Pain is Stress-Based:
1. If there was no traumatic or acute injury to your back, then it’s likely that the pain is being caused by stress and anxiety. Our spines are very durable. Bending over to pick up a sock should not cause chronic back pain. If you haven’t recently fallen down the stairs or been hit by a car, you probably have stress-based back pain.
2. Do you have a hyper-responsible personality type? We’ve noticed that it’s very common for perfectionist people-pleasing types to get chronic back pain. If that sounds like you, then again, it’s likely that you have stress-based back pain.
3. Your doctor can’t find anything wrong with your spine. If your doctors have tried their best but can’t find a reason to operate on you, then it’s likely your back pain is caused by stress and anxiety.
4. Does your back pain come and go based on your stress level? Real medical issues do not come and go based on your current emotional condition. If you break your arm, it will always hurt regardless of your emotional state. So, if your back pain comes and goes based on where you are, who you are with, or what you are thinking, then it’s probably caused by stress.
5. Do you have multiple chronic conditions of unknown origin? The human body is much more durable than we give it credit for. Human beings should be able to live a long healthy life relatively free from chronic illness. If you are dealing with multiple chronic symptoms, they may all be emotionally based. And your back pain is just one of several stress-based symptoms.
Why is it so hard to cure chronic back pain?Â
Let me guess. You’ve probably already tried several medical and alternative treatments so far including (but not limited to):
* Physical therapy
* Chiropractic adjustments
* Epidural shots
* Acupuncture
* Stem cell replacement
* Prescription drugs and injections
* Inversion tables & copper bracelets
* Back surgery

It’s important to understand that if the diagnosis for back pain is wrong, then all the treatments are also wrong and will not work. It just seems hard to cure back pain because the treatments were all misdirected.
The real cause of almost all back pain is NOT the spine. Clinical study after clinical study have proven this. The real culprit is stress and anxiety.
The Autonomic Nervous System is the real problem.Â
Our 24/7 digital culture keeps your body in a constant state of fight or flight. And this constant tension tightens and inflames your back. That’s where the pain is coming from.Â

Why don’t doctors tell us the truth about back pain?Â
Doctors don’t tell us the truth about back pain for 3 very important reasons:
1. They don’t know the truth because it’s not taught in medical school.
2. They won’t be honest because they would be fired by their hospital or medical group.
3. They would lose billions of dollars every year if people knew that stress causes almost all back pain.
I hate to break it to you but for many years now we’ve all been sold a pack of lies.
It may be time to swim away from the edge of the pool.
Your medical diagnosis has never served you. It might be time to go all in on a stress-based diagnosis for your back pain. The true diagnosis for almost all (99%) back pain sufferers is Tension Myositis Syndrome. TMS is most likely the correct diagnosis that your doctor has never heard of.
You might consider taking your MRI results and your doctor’s diagnosis to the curb and putting them in the trash. They are not serving you. The only thing that matters is healing your back pain.

Learn the simple 3-step formula for healing back pain.Â
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Information offered by the Pain Cure Clinic is not intended as medical advice or professional psychotherapy. This is practical knowledge based on experience about how to alternately eliminate chronic pain symptoms caused by psychological factors. Medical or mental health questions or diagnosis should be directed to your physician or psychologist. Individual results will vary.