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Bob's Success Story

Jun 19, 2024

Bob proudly wearing his Sarno Medal of Freedom!


In 2018, I married the woman of my dreams. We both enjoyed our growing relationships with our combined family, and I thought nothing could be better.  But six months into our marriage while running on an elliptical machine, I felt a “snap” in my back followed by excruciating pain with electricity up and down my back and right leg. I fell from the elliptical, rolled up in a ball, and was able stand painfully with the aid of nearby steps. 

The next five years I lived the standard medical “chronic pain” regime related by Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic. According to the docs, it was surgery or a lifetime of pain. This pain was unlike any I had experienced; the excruciating pain and duration of debilitation was overwhelming. I was brought to tears and bitterness more than once, tempted by the promises of surgeons with great reputations –among their peers. Friends who had the surgery...

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