Check out our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29)

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Anna: Sarno Medal of Freedom Winner

Oct 06, 2023

Anna from Michigan is one tough cookie. She endured a lot as a child and to survive she became perfect and good so as not to disrupt the household.

Like most TMSer’s, she grew into a very successful adult because of her perfectionist and people pleasing personality. You could always count on Anna. She’s always organized. She always gets things done.

But success isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. Anna suffered from chronic symptoms throughout her adult life. She was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis along with complex regional pain syndrome, and she had surgery for plantar fasciitis on both feet. She now knows the surgery was unnecessary.

Anna found the book - The Mind Body Prescription by Dr. Sarno on a plane and read most of the book before the plane landed. She saw herself on every page. She says it’s the first thing that made any sense.

Anna purchased the Sarno Master Class, created a plan of action, and really stuck to it. She started to...

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Becoming a TMS Bad Ass

Jun 27, 2023


TMS recovery means getting your mojo back. Separating from the herd. Following your own healing (mind-body) path.

All this adds up got it...being a bit of a 
Bad Ass! :) 

Join me for a more lighthearted, but still very important, perspective that will help you get motivated to do what you need to do to get rid of the pain . 3 Hacks to get you started. Let's go!

To find out the real way to heal back painclick on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Mark's TMS Success Story

Sep 30, 2022



Mark from Alabama had the Symptom Imperative and was hit by different symptoms throughout his adult life. He would have back pain that would turn into allergies that would turn into tinnitus. He would invariably “throw his back out” when something difficult or stressful was about to happen.


He categorizes his former self as being “partially disabled” because of all his symptoms. Like all of us, Mark tried everything - including heating pads, a chiropractor, allergy shots, epidural shots, pain killers, hot showers, and neti pots. This went on for 20 years.


Mark says that: “Doctors had been disappointing me my whole life.”


Then he found Dr. Sarno and our Sarno 3.0 Master Class. Now all of his symptoms are completely gone. And he has confidence that they will never come back.

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the...

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