Calm Your Back

Relax and start healing.


Relax and start healing.

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Learn the simple 3-step formula for healing back pain. 

Join our mailing list and get the Healing Back Pain Workshop FREE along with weekly tips and discounts on our products and services. 

Can stress and anxiety cause back pain? Yes they definitely can. The pain you’re experiencing is most likely emotional not medical. What you’ve suspected all along is correct. 

Ongoing emotional stress floods your body with cortisol - the stress hormone. Cortisol activates your body’s fight or flight response which in turn tightens the soft tissue in your back. Over time this tissue becomes chronically inflamed and that’s what causes the pain.

Doctors can’t help. Medical schools teach students that all back pain is caused by structural spine problems. No other diagnosis is considered. Patients struggle to heal because the treatment is medical when in reality the root cause of most back pain is psychological. 

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By now, your back pain has become a subconscious hard-wired habit. And it can be very stubborn. You need a proven solution to break that habit and release the pain. 

Ongoing emotional stress floods your body with cortisol - the stress hormone. Cortisol activates your body’s fight or flight response which in turn tightens the soft tissue in your back. Over time this tissue becomes chronically inflamed and that’s what causes the pain.

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Doctors can’t help. Medical schools teach students that all back pain is caused by structural spine problems. No other diagnosis is considered. Patients struggle to heal because the treatment is medical when in reality the root cause of most back pain is psychological. 

By now, your back pain has become a subconscious hard-wired habit. And it can be very stubborn. You need
a proven solution to break that habit and release the pain. 

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We’ve got the solution. Since 2016, the Pain Cure Clinic has helped over 10,000 back pain sufferers heal stress-based pain quickly, easily, and permanently. We know how to do it.  

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Peter in London

“I had back pain for 9 years including 2 back surgeries that didn’t work. Then someone mentioned that stress might be the cause. With the help of the Pain Cure Clinic, I was pain free in just 3 weeks. And I still am one year later. Thanks so much Laura and John.”

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Imagine waking up every morning
with no back pain.

This is not a dream my friend.
It’s a reality and it’s within your reach.
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Learn the simple 3-step formula for healing back pain. 

Join our mailing list and get the Healing Back Pain Workshop FREE along with weekly tips and discounts on our products and services.

Information offered by the Pain Cure Clinic is not intended as medical advice or professional psychotherapy. This is practical knowledge based on experience about how to alternately eliminate chronic pain symptoms caused by psychological factors. Medical or mental health questions or diagnosis  should be directed to your physician or psychologist. Individual results will vary.