We’re the best solution for people who want to heal in 30 days. 

  • After finding Dr. Sarno and the mind-body connection, our coaches healed their own back pain first.

  • Then we coached hundreds of chronic back pain sufferers one-on-one in our Boulder Colorado office with much success.
  • Over the years, through coaching, workshops, and on-site events, we’ve helped over 10,000 clients in 21 countries heal their back pain.

  • This led us to create the most complete easy-to-follow on-line guide ever produced, so that you can heal quickly and then live that happy pain-free life that you’ve been missing for too long. 

Laura Thornton

John Thornton

We've been where you are right now.
Our Healing Back Pain Master Class can help.


The 30 Quick Hacks for TMS was published as an e-book by the Pain Cure Clinic in 2022 and it has been hugely popular. The Thorntons wrote Quick Hacks to give pain sufferers some quick tools to use anytime they have a “flare up".

The 30 Quick Hacks for TMS is like a fire extinguisher - dousing pain symptoms fast! Anyone can benefit from these tips. This book is only available as a BONUS with the purchase of the Healing Back Pain Master Class.



"After completing The Pain Cure Clinic video course, I don't have pain anymore and I don't have any fear of pain. That's probably the biggest thing. In the past, I would shy away from doing things like yard work and lifting weights. I'm not afraid to do anything anymore." 

AllanNew Hampshire

See the Healing Back Pain Master Class

Coaching services offered by the Pain Cure Clinic are not intended as medical advice or professional psychotherapy. This is practical knowledge based on experience about how to alternately eliminate chronic pain symptoms caused by psychological factors. Medical or mental health questions or diagnosis  should be directed to your physician or psychologist. The Pain Cure Clinic is not endorsed by or affiliated with Dr. John Sarno. *Individual results will vary.