Sarno Medal of Freedom: Dennis

Aug 29, 2023

Dennis from Texas’ TMS symptoms appeared 17 years ago. It started with sciatica back pain and he was told he had severe scoliosis. His preferred treatment was from his chiropractor. He went every week, without fail, for 17 years straight. He would feel a little better after each adjustment, but the pain would always return.

Dennis purchased and read the entire Healing Back Pain book in one afternoon. He knew that Dr. Sarno was speaking directly to him. Dennis said that it was the first time in almost two decades that something made sense. He then purchased the Sarno Master Class with a coaching session and went through the course in 2 days.Dennis locked into the material very quickly and was “basically out of pain in just two weeks.” Dennis’ message to other pain sufferers is that anyone can heal their back very quickly if they just do the course work.

Dennis is still an active member of the Pain Cure Clinic’s private Facebook group, and he jumps in now and then to mentor others going through the healing process. He’s exceptionally deserving of the Sarno Medal of Freedom. Congratulations Dennis!

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