Traci's Back Pain Success Story

Jul 29, 2024

About two years ago I had terrible debilitating lower back pain. Tried all the things, including meds, chiropractor and finally pain management doctors. MRI showed several things wrong with my back, that were causing the pain. Doctors saying they would start with injections, but surgery was on the horizon. They told me to stop running, stop lifting anything heavy and reduce my riding horses. I was devastated at 59 years old that all the things I loved were hurting me.

I had to stop baling my hay at my farm because it was just too painful.

That was when I started researching online and buying every book on the market about fixing back pain without doctors’ involvement and that’s how I stumbled upon the 2020 Sarno video.  I then got all his books and listened to them in succession but then I felt like I didn’t know what to do with all that information. I believed it to be true about TMS, but there wasn’t a program in all those books to follow, at least I...

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