Sarno Medal Of Freedom: Mark

Aug 01, 2023

When Mark came to the Pain Cure Clinic, he was on his last leg - plagued by a variety of chronic symptoms that kept moving around his body for decades. He told us that going to doctors’ offices had become a full-time job. He had eczema, digestive issues, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. And the day his tinnitus went away he got foot pain in both feet and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Mark had a big case of the symptom imperative. Mark was not having fun.

However, Mark is a natural skeptic and when he found Dr. Sarno’s book The Mind-Body Prescription, he knew his doctors where all wrong. He knew instinctively that this was an emotional problem, not a structural one. Being a highly sought-after economist, he knew that his opportunity costs of switching to Dr. Sarno’s methods were very low. Medical treatment had produced only bad results. So, Mark went to work. He read all of Dr. Sarno’s books. And then he contacted the Pain Cure Clinic and got our Master Class and some coaching from John.

Now Mark is pain free and living the good life. His chronic symptoms are all gone and he’s very deserving of the Sarno Medal of Freedom. Congratulations Mark!

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the image below. 


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