We did 7 years of research so that you can start healing in just 2 hours.

Course Syllabus


The Healing Back Pain Master Class is the fastest way to heal because it rehabilitates both your mind and your body at the same time. The course has 3 areas of focus: 

Remove all doubt 

Remove all doubt that your back pain is truly an emotional problem and not a medical problem.

Calm your mind 

Reduce your emotional tension, stress, and anxiety to calm an overactive nervous system.

Move your body 

Resolve the universal fear and anxiety associated with physical movement and back pain.

The 3-Pillar Method of Healing

By resolving the doubt, the stress, and the fear associated with chronic back pain, both your mind and your body will relax and release the pain quickly and easily and in a very reliable way. Problem solved. Pain level ZERO.

Purchase Now ($29)

9 video lessons & 2 hours total watch time
*60-day unconditional money-back guarantee*


Allan from New Hampshire

"After completing The Pain Cure Clinic video course, I don't have pain anymore and I don't have any fear of pain. That's probably the biggest thing. In the past, I would shy away from doing things like yard work and lifting weights. I'm not afraid to do anything anymore." 


Juliet from California

"A doctor told me: you're never going to be able to pick up your son. I could cry right now at just the thought of it. But now I go the park with my son all the time and I pick him up every day...because of the PCC course."


Dennis from Texas

"My TMS symptoms started 17 years ago. After 2 weeks doing the PCC program, I was out of pain. Within a month, chronic pain became and afterthought. After 17 years of going to the chiropractor every week - no more pain!"

Here's how this course will heal your back pain:  

Step #1: Hope makes a comeback

As you purchase and start watching the course, you’ll begin to see the clear pathway out and now you’ll know how to get there. You’ll start to have hope again.

You'll start thinking: "I can do this!"

Step #2: Build your momentum

While you’re absorbing the course material, you’ll begin to notice your pain level dropping. You’ll start to feel incremental improvement. You’ll start to believe.

You'll start creating momentum.

Step #3: Celebrate your freedom

As the pain decreases, your confidence in this process will grow. Pretty soon, before you know it, the pain will drop to zero. You’ll finally be pain free and you’ll no longer fear the pain.

Now it's time to celebrate!

Purchase Now ($29)

9 video lessons & 2 hours total watch time
*60-day unconditional money-back guarantee*

Here's what you can expect from our healing program. 

Freedom from chiropractors. 

Chiropractors are really nice people. There’s no doubt. But once you cure your back pain you won’t need to visit your chiropractor anymore.

You can still send him a Christmas card though if you want to. 

Freedom from constant medical bills. 

We know how much you like spending your hard-earned money on fun stuff like medical bills. Well, you won’t be able to anymore.

Now you’ll have to spend your money on other things like vacations, concerts, and nice restaurants.

Freedom from prescription drugs. 

Constant pain usually leads to multiple prescription drugs with an untold number of side effects. Constipation, irritability, and loss of sex drive are not a fun combination.

Once you heal your back pain you won’t need those drugs and won’t have to pay for them either.

Freedom from chronic pain for the rest of your life.  

Once you learn the secret behind healing chronic stress-based back pain, you won’t have to worry about it coming back. You won’t fear the pain anymore because now you know what to do.  

You don’t need a doctor. You don’t need clinical therapy.
You don’t even need coaching. All you need is the HBP Master Class.

9 video lessons & 2 hours total watch time
*60-day unconditional money-back guarantee*

Purchase Now ($29)


Information offered by the Pain Cure Clinic are is intended as medical advice or professional psychotherapy. This is practical knowledge based on experience about how to alternately eliminate chronic pain symptoms caused by psychological factors. Medical or mental health questions or diagnosis  should be directed to your physician or psychologist. The Pain Cure Clinic is not endorsed by or affiliated with Dr. John Sarno. Individual results will vary.