Check out our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29)

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Bob's Success Story

Jun 19, 2024

Bob proudly wearing his Sarno Medal of Freedom!


In 2018, I married the woman of my dreams. We both enjoyed our growing relationships with our combined family, and I thought nothing could be better.  But six months into our marriage while running on an elliptical machine, I felt a “snap” in my back followed by excruciating pain with electricity up and down my back and right leg. I fell from the elliptical, rolled up in a ball, and was able stand painfully with the aid of nearby steps. 

The next five years I lived the standard medical “chronic pain” regime related by Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic. According to the docs, it was surgery or a lifetime of pain. This pain was unlike any I had experienced; the excruciating pain and duration of debilitation was overwhelming. I was brought to tears and bitterness more than once, tempted by the promises of surgeons with great reputations –among their peers. Friends who had the surgery...

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Jeff Overcame Years of Pain

Apr 16, 2024



“About halfway through the second go around of the (Master Class) videos, all the pain went away.”

Jeff from Pennsylvania had a variety of chronic pain symptoms for most of his life. In other words, Jeff was a typical TMS sufferer. He started out with plantar fasciitis (foot pain) which lasted for 20 years.

Jeff had custom orthotics made and then needles put into his feet. Then they tried paddling his feet and more orthotics and more needles. This sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Then Jeff had hip pain supposedly from skydiving in the past. He tried physical therapy, heat treatments and a tens unit which is similar to shock therapy. Nothing of course helped at all.

Next came back pain which was the worst pain of all. More suffering.

Jeff eventually found Dr. Sarno, and then the Pain Cure Clinic and finally after a lifetime of pain symptoms, Jeff was cured - pain level zero.

t’s a great story of Jeff’s...

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Back pain gone in 2 days

Mar 12, 2024



That’s what Rusty in Arizona did after watching the Sarno Master Class.

He had tried everything medical and then finally found Dr. Sarno’s book - Healing Back Pain and thought it sounded right.

Apparently, it was. Watch this short but powerful video of Rusty’s transformation. Now he can do anything.

To find out the real way to heal back painclick on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Christine: Sarno Medal of Freedom Winner!

Feb 27, 2024

My name is Christine and I am very happy to accept the Sarno Medal of Freedom. I live in Australia. I am 72 years old. I have had many TMS symptoms over my life. Migraines, anxiety, burning eyes, vertigo, panic attacks, severe digestive disorders and more recently tinnitus. I had read a couple of John Sarno’s books over the years and accepted my issues were probably TMS but had never really devoted the time or resources to doing the work during a 40-year career as a teacher. 


Being a perfectionist and very stoic I managed this career with the minimum of sick leave and an attitude to just keep going and it was rewarding despite the health issues. On retirement in 2016 my migraines vanished - there’s a signal! A couple of years into retirement a series of life stresses saw me spiral into fight or flight in a big way. I became super alert - very sensitive to sound and very anxious about my health. I was prescribed antidepressants and beta-blockers as...

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Cato's TMS Success Story

Feb 20, 2024



Say hello to Cato from The Netherlands! She was just a teenager when she began experiencing chronic pain...but with a belief in TMS, courage and ACTION, this brave young woman recovered and is living a full life again. 


Watch and be inspired - thank you for sharing, Cato!

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the image below. 

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Rusty: Sarno Medal of Freedom Winner!

Feb 13, 2024

Rusty from Arizona wins the Sarno Medal of Freedom Award – well done!

Our client, Rusty, had a rough time of it. He suffered from constant back pain for over 15 years. He tried everything including: 

Physical Therapy
Physio Tape
Epidural Shots
Disc Ablation Surgery

And nothing on this list did anything.

As amazing as it sounds, Rusty found Dr. Sarno - read Healing Back Pain and purchased the Sarno 3.0 Master Class and….in just 2 days, his pain was gone!

It’s hard to believe, none of his friends believe it (not unusual) but he’s playing golf 3 days per week, working out 3 days per week, stretching walking, doing yard work, doing anything he wants to do physically.

There’s nothing stopping him now.

Rusty says, without a doubt, he’s going to be pain free for the rest of his life. If Rusty can do it, YOU can too.

Way to go Rusty! Dr. Sarno would be proud that you've received this award...

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Amisha: Sarno Medal of Freedom

Feb 06, 2024


My name is Amisha and I live in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. I have suffered from many pain symptoms for much of my life. Most recently, I have had much hip pain and also very bad ringing in my ears. The ringing was driving me crazy! I was able to find John and Laura’s videos and then I knew my problems were from being very stressful in life.

The courses and video classes taught me not to worry about individual problems like my hips or ears. The course says that we must calm the whole nervous system and then the pain will go. So that’s what I did.

I did journaling about my life. I did positive affirmations that there was “nothing wrong with me”. And I did meditation every morning for 20 minutes. (The Meditation Course is great too!).

Now I have no ringing in my ears and no other pain for almost 2 months now. I am very happy to accept the Medal of Freedom. Thank you so much Laura and John for your courses and encouragement. It has meant so much to...

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Jeff: Sarno Medal of Freedom

Jan 23, 2024

Greetings from Jeff in Pennsylvania!

Foot pain was just the start - 20+ years ago. One day I woke up with burning, stinging pain in my heels and a dull ache in my arches. Where did this come from? I blamed it on playing basketball with my kids barefoot.

My family physician recommended that I see a physical therapist for inflammation from plantar fasciitis. The PT gave me stretches to do and made plaster casts of my feet for custom orthotics. I wore the orthotics. The pain persisted. I found a podiatrist. He was not impressed with my orthotics. They wobbled. He took them back to his workshop and tinkered with them.

Then the podiatrist suggested injections directly into my heels. He warned that this would hurt. He was right. He was very right! I’ll never forget leaving his office and driving to our son's school to pick him up from a Cub Scout gathering. I was practically crawling from my car into the school. The pain from the shot eventually went away. But the PF kept right on...

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Cato: Sarno Medal of Freedom

Jan 16, 2024

My name is Cato. I’m 19 years old and I’m from the Netherlands. A little bit over a year and a half ago, I started getting really intense groin and leg pain. I was told to stop working out (so it could heal) but the pain only got worse. My physiotherapist told me not to participate in any activities that caused me pain, however this meant that I couldn't participate in any physical activities anymore.

Even though people around me told me differently, I knew that this was not my "destiny" and that I would be able to get back to the gym and live like a normal teenager again. 

While googling about nerve pain (because me orthopedist told me that could possibly be the cause), I stumbled across the Pain Cure Clinic. Learning about my personality and stress as a cause of pain was like a world opening up to me. As soon as I found out about TMS, I was determined to beat it and become pain free. It sure came with many ups and downs and I had to overcome my...

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Osiris Beat the Odds

Jul 25, 2023


They say that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, but not after your eyes have adjusted to the dark. And for our client Osiris, it had gotten very dark indeed.

Osiris had been a highly athletic teenager with a bright future. He had a scholarship to the University of Southern California and was also planning a career in the military to serve his country. But then he got hit very hard with Tension Myositis Syndrome all over his body.

And in the course of just one year, Osiris went from a highly active teenager to legally disabled and bedridden 24/7. The pain was so excruciating, he could barely breathe.

But then he found Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic and, needless to say, everything got a whole lot better. If you need some inspiration today, Osiris is going to give it to you right now - in spades.

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the image below. 


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