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Mission to Cure

Dec 23, 2022

Greetings, Friends - John Thornton here.


I suffered from multiple chronic pain conditions starting at about the age of 40. Medical doctors told me there was no cure, but they would be there to treat symptoms and manage my pain for the rest of my life. I believed everything they were telling me because I could tell that they believed it. They were just doing what they had been taught to do. 


But through it all, even after years and years of chronic pain, I always had this feeling. I always believed that somehow…someway…there had to be a way out. A permanent way out.  


-    I didn’t want to be in pain for the rest of my life. 

-    I didn’t want to be on prescription drugs with all the side effects.  

-    I didn’t want doctors telling me what I could and couldn’t do. 

-    I didn’t want my insurance company...

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The Upper Limit Problem

Dec 16, 2022


The Upper Limit Problem is a mental block that can stop you from achieving a complete and total cure from Tension Myositis Syndrome.

You may totally believe in TMS and be doing all the right things but no matter what you try, the pain always comes back. This could be a sign of an Upper Limit Problem. The premise of the ULP is your subconscious has (over time) set an upper limit to how well your life can go, how good you feel inside, and how long you can be without pain.

In this video, John Thornton revisits his recent article on the ULP because it was so popular. It seems that most people can relate. If you’re doing the work but still having trouble, it just might be an ULP that’s holding you back, but don’t worry. This video explains how to remove your upper limit so that you can be chronic pain-free forever.

To find out the real way to heal back pain, click on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Symptom Imperative

Dec 09, 2022

Greetings Friends - Laura Thornton here.

Yes, I know – you’ve had back pain or neck pain or right knee pain for months or years...and now you’re having shoulder pain or it’s your left knee that’s become bothersome. Or your chronic physical pain has disappeared, but “suddenly”, you can’t shake a constant undercurrent of anxiety. What is going on?

Well, let’s turn to the master himself. Dr. John Sarno defined this very common occurrence - of pain and other symptoms moving around - as: the Symptom Imperative and he says this in his book, Healing Back Pain:

"TMS can manifest itself in a variety of locations and it tends to move around, particularly if something is being done to combat the disorder. Patients often report pain in a new location as the old one gets better. It is as though the brain is unwilling to give up this strategy for diverting attention away from negative emotions." - Dr. John Sarno

Bingo! If...

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TMS: #1 Decision

Dec 02, 2022



You have to CHOOSE to cure Tension Myositis Syndrome. And until you make this first critical choice, you're unlikely to follow through and make all the additional choices you'll need to make to get to chronic pain free. I can help - take that first step and choose to join me for this episode now!

To find out the real way to heal back pain, click on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). No surgery necessary.


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TMS: It Won't Go Away

Nov 11, 2022

Have you had the experience of TMS coming and going for years, but it won’t completely go away? That happens to almost everyone. You focus on getting better and you do get better, for a while, but then something happens and the pain comes right back. It can be a vicious cycle that goes on for years, but it’s probably not what you think.

It’s not that you need to get better at journaling. It’s not that you need to keep digging for a  deep, dark issue that you can’t seem to identify. It’s not, even, that you have too many stressors right now. You’re going to have to deal with stress for the rest of your life. That’s not going to change. You want to be pain free no matter what your current or future circumstances….and you can.

If you feel like you’ve “tried everything” in the mind-body wheelhouse, yet you’re still stuck or spiraling back to chronic pain; if this sounds like where you find yourself, then...

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Stressed Out? Apply the Genius Move.

Nov 04, 2022



Who doesn't want to be a genius when it comes to getting rid of chronic pain? Join Laura Thornton as she shares "The Genius Move" from the book The Genius Zone by author Gay Hendricks. She'll also explain the Circle of Control and how using this guideline can cut down on a lot of stress and pain!

To find out the real way to heal back pain, click on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Stop This. Stop TMS.

Oct 28, 2022



There are certainly a number of  things that you'll need to start doing to cure Tension Myositis Syndrome. But there are also a few things you can STOP doing today to jump start your recovery and get one step closer to chronic pain free!

To find out the real way to heal back pain, click on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Kitty's TMS Success Story

Oct 21, 2022



Meet the delightful Kitty from Maine who says this:

"The first week after I started the program, I could see how easy it would be to change my mind about all these diagnoses - that it's all just TMS. I'm able to walk up and down stairs, which I haven't been able to do for years. I gave away my wheelchair and my walker."  Kitty is 79 years young and has a new lease on life - so can YOU!

To find out the real way to heal back pain, click on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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The New Way to Cure TMS

Oct 14, 2022



Very often, people mistakenly think that Dr. Sarno’s books are instructional books on how to cure TMS. But actually, they are not. The purpose of each book was to explain, promote, and defend the Tension Myositis Syndrome diagnosis. And the books do a great job of that.


The books do have clues about what to do but they don’t exactly explain how to do it. That’s because while Dr. Sarno was alive and practicing, he wanted people to come to New York and attend a series of instructional seminars. That’s how most people were cured.

But now Sarno is gone and people are left to try to figure it out themselves. Journaling has become one of the main action items and there’s no doubt that this can be helpful. However, the word “journaling” does not appear in any of his books. This improvisational process that’s developed is what’s called “the old way” of curing TMS and it’s...

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TMS & Knee Pain

Oct 07, 2022

The knee is one of the trickiest areas of the body to diagnose as Tension Myositis Syndrome. Unlike the back or shoulder or neck, the knee is a joint that’s always in motion and it takes a lot of impact. 

So knee pain might be a real structural problem. And there’s no doubt that sometimes it is. But not all the time and maybe not even most of the time. Maybe it’s actually rare that knee pain is not TMS.

In this video, John reviews three clinical studies that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that most knee pain is not the structural problem that you’re being told it is. And you’ll also learn why most common knee surgeries are completely unnecessary.

Today we’re going to look at: 
-  Torn cartilage
-  Meniscus tears
-  Osteoarthritis

Don’t kneel to the pain, watch this video instead!

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the image below. 


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