Belief or lack thereof. That's what stops most people from curing their back pain. The reason belief is so important is that when you switch from medical care to a Tension Myositis Syndrome diagnosis and the mind-body approach to healing - now you're in charge. And so, what you believe determines how effective you are at curing your back pain.
What we observe a lot of the time is that when people don’t immediately improve, they start doubting the process. And then they start doubting themselves and their ability to cure themselves and they just give up and go back to their old faithful chiropractor. So, we need to change three specific, long-held beliefs that are wrong to have a positive outcome. And these wrong beliefs are:
A. First, doctors are godlike experts who know everything there is to know about back pain. Also - it’s very dangerous for you to try to cure yourself without a doctor. Only a doctor can cure you (not...
Sometimes it can seem impossible. But it never is. There's always a way. Watch Allan's story of overcoming chronic back pain (and digestive issues). Conditions that he had suffered with his entire adult life. He changed his belief, ditched his fear, moved his body, and beat the pain. If Allan can do it, YOU can do it. WATCH.
What? Our beloved Dr. Sarno made a mistake? Well, yes, but it was an honest, well-intentioned oversight. Click here to watch and solve the mystery!
There’s a basic TMS issue that we run into time and time again with our coaching clients and it’s called RESISTANCE. What I’m talking about is resistance to change. And change is required to get past chronic pain and move forward to a better life.
Now, resistance can block you from two angles:
1. Resisting making a life change (relationship, job, even your day-to-day routine).
2. Resisting pursuing (or getting back to) something you’re passionate about.
Tension Myositis Syndrome loves the status quo: “Stay where you are and stay in pain.” Perfectionists and Goodists (people pleasers), in particular, have a hard time making changes because that means you’re also vulnerable to making a few mistakes. But un-chartered waters are often where we must go to heal once and for all!
WATCH THIS VIDEO until the end, where I share one of my favorite “juicy” bits from...
Tom Brady doesn’t have chronic pain. But he should, shouldn’t he? Tom has been chased around and tackled by very large men who get paid big bucks to hit him as hard as they can. But after 23 years in the NFL, Tom Brady is fine. In fact, he’s doing quite well.
So, if I can get back pain from picking up a stick in my yard, why isn’t Tom in a wheelchair by now? The answer is that (among other things):
Tom Brady loves bodywork and stretching more than anyone I’ve ever heard of.
He even wrote a book about it:
The TB12 Method: How To Do What You Love Better and Longer
In his book, Tom explains that muscle pliability is the most important factor to his longevity and his success. He says that the key to absorbing hits year after year in the NFL is soft muscle tissue.
And I know that this soft muscle philosophy is very transferable avoidance of chronic pain. Yes, we should all be working on lowering our mental stress,...
I’ve never met Tiger Woods. And I’m positive he has no idea who I am. That being said, as I’ve watched his life from a distance, he appears to be the poster child for Tension Myositis Syndrome. He’s got the background. He’s got the personality. And he’s got the pain. With the Masters currently in progress, I’d like to explain why I think Tiger is suffering from Tension Myositis Syndrome - because it might help you in your effort to cure yourself.
Tiger’s father - Earl Woods - was a Green Beret Special Forces officer in the US Army. Earl Woods loved golf and got Tiger into it before the age of two. Like all Green Berets, he was intense and demanded his son be the best. Earl quit his job at McDonnell Douglas when Tiger was 13 years old to become Tiger’s full-time coach and manager. So, Tiger was, in effect, supporting his entire family at age 13. Having a highly demanding parent is the most common characteristic...
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