TMS: It Won't Go Away

Nov 11, 2022

Have you had the experience of TMS coming and going for years, but it won’t completely go away? That happens to almost everyone. You focus on getting better and you do get better, for a while, but then something happens and the pain comes right back. It can be a vicious cycle that goes on for years, but it’s probably not what you think.

It’s not that you need to get better at journaling. It’s not that you need to keep digging for a  deep, dark issue that you can’t seem to identify. It’s not, even, that you have too many stressors right now. You’re going to have to deal with stress for the rest of your life. That’s not going to change. You want to be pain free no matter what your current or future circumstances….and you can.

If you feel like you’ve “tried everything” in the mind-body wheelhouse, yet you’re still stuck or spiraling back to chronic pain; if this sounds like where you find yourself, then...

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Stressed Out? Apply the Genius Move.

Nov 04, 2022



Who doesn't want to be a genius when it comes to getting rid of chronic pain? Join Laura Thornton as she shares "The Genius Move" from the book The Genius Zone by author Gay Hendricks. She'll also explain the Circle of Control and how using this guideline can cut down on a lot of stress and pain!

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop 

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Stop This. Stop TMS.

Oct 28, 2022



There are certainly a number of  things that you'll need to start doing to cure Tension Myositis Syndrome. But there are also a few things you can STOP doing today to jump start your recovery and get one step closer to chronic pain free!

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How to Process Repressed Anger

Sep 16, 2022



If you've read even just a few pages of a Dr. Sarno book, you know that he talks a lot about repressed anger. In this video, Laura Thornton unpacks this TMS trigger and how to get past it to heal!

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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Dennis' TMS Success Story

Sep 02, 2022



This is a must see video from Dennis. Watch how Dennis overcame 17 years of back pain... among other chronic symptoms. You can do it too! 

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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Call Your Doctor Lisa

Aug 12, 2022



There’s an imbalance of power in the doctor/patient relationship and it does much more harm than good. Our society puts doctors, or anyone wearing a lab coat, high up on a pedestal where it feels impossible to challenge them - even when their results are really bad. 


So in this video, John Thornton explains his strategy (that he’s used for 25 years) for righting that balance of power. John suggests that you start calling your doctors by their first name only. 


Being on a first name basis with your doctor is the first step to a better and more beneficial relationship. This one small change will make a giant difference in your TMS and your overall health. If this idea scares you or sounds crazy, that’s exactly why you should watch this video.


Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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How To Handle TMS Naysayers

Jul 22, 2022

Dr. Sarno tells us that about 90% of the population find it impossible to switch from medical care to a mind-body connection approach to recovering from chronic conditions. So, don't be discouraged if those near and dear to you aren't particularly supportive of your Tension Myositis Syndrome diagnosis and your commitment to heal yourself. You're on the right path.  

Take a breath and join us. In this video, we do a little role playing to help you navigate through the naysayers, stay strong and get better!


Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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TMS: Recommitment is most important.

Jul 15, 2022

Committing to TMS is what gets you in the game, but recommitting is what gets you to pain free forever. Most of us don’t get there without stumbling, tripping, and wandering off track a few times along the way. Recommitting keeps you out of the trap of criticizing yourself for not doing it perfectly. When you notice you’ve strayed from the original plan, recommitting yourself will get you back on track.

Committing to the process initially gets you started, but it’s how you deal with the obstacles to curing TMS is what determines your long-term success. Obstacles should not surprise you during the healing process. Obstacles are the process. Unless you are astonishingly lucky, you’re going to encounter many of them. Your beliefs about the mind-body connection will be challenged throughout the process. You will be tempted constantly to go back to the comfort of the traditional medical community. You will get distracted by white lab coats and you will be faced...

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Freedom....From Chronic Pain

Jul 01, 2022


When you think of the most significant contributor to happiness, what comes to mind? Wealth? A loving family and good friends? Being attractive or famous? Health? Certainly, health must be at the top of the list to enjoy anything else, but a report by The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology says that what’s most important to overall happiness is: autonomy. Autonomy means that you feel that YOU are the one in control of your own life and the decisions you make are chosen only by you.


If we assume (and we do) that happiness (and we would add life satisfaction) leads to a calmer nervous system and lowers stress, then your level of autonomy has a direct effect on chronic pain and other chronic symptoms.


Autonomy applies to various aspects of your life circumstances: your job/work/career, your relationships, where you live, how you spend your money…and your time. And I encourage to evaluate all these...

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Is TMS Your Dark Passenger?

Jun 17, 2022

One of the obstacles to becoming pain free that we point out over and over again is: giving your chronic pain (or stomach upset or ringing in your ears or skin rash) way too much power. We’re typically teed-up to give our symptoms too much power when a doctor gives us our “diagnosis”: “You have ankylosing spondylitis or degenerative disc disease or trigeminal neuralgia.” Often, it’s a hard to pronounce mouthful that sounds really scary….and possibly contagious! And then you’re told: “We don’t know what causes this condition. There’s no cure. It’s chronic. You’re just going to have to do XYZ to manage the symptoms.” 


So then, (understandably) over time, a chronic condition starts taking on a life of its own. It becomes a huge part of your identity. One of our student’s referred to his neck pain as his constant companion!
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