The Origin of Pain


After reading one of Dr. Sarno’s books, a lot of chronic pain sufferers move forward trying to cure their pain or other chronic symptoms without correctly determining the origin of their problem. And that’s a mistake because knowing the cause is the key to finding the solution.

 In Dr. Sarno’s books, he talks a lot about physical and sexual abuse by a parent as being the origin of pain. And sometimes that’s true. However, in our experience, that’s not the most common problem. Not even close. Yes, the problem almost always starts with the parent. That’s true. But it’s usually a different (more psychological) type of abuse.

 In this video, you’ll learn:
1. The most common abuse that leads to TMS.
2. How it’s affecting you to this day.
3. And how to resolve the issue and free yourself from pain.

And to to take the next step toward YOUR recovery: Click Here

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TMS Breaking Point


Hello friends. Are you "on board" with Tension Myositis Syndrome, but you just can't seem to make dent in the pain? You're not alone and you've landed in the right place. Today's topic is the TMS Breaking Point.

In this video, you’ll learn: 

  1. What a TMS Breaking Point is
  2. How to get over the first hurdle toward chronic pain free
  3. What your TMS Recovery looks like

Let's  get started!

And to to take the next step toward YOUR recovery: Click Here

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The Nocebo Effect


The Nocebo Effect is the opposite of its better known cousin the Placebo Effect. Instead of a false belief making you feel better (placebo), it’s a false belief that makes you feel worse (nocebo). 

The pain management industry takes a bad situation (chronic pain) and throws gasoline on it (nocebo effect), which can make it ten times worse. 

In this video, you’ll learn:
1. What exactly the Nocebo Effect is.
2. How doctors use the Nocebo Effect to create fear and perpetuate pain.
3. And what you can do to stop nocebos from harming you. 

 And to get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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What is Emotional Inflammation?


If you're working on curing chronic pain (or any chronic condition) using the mind-body approach, then don't miss this episode about Emotional Inflammation.

While watching this video, you'll discover:
1. What Emotional Inflammation is.
2. Indications that you may be affected by Emotional Inflammation.
3. What to do to keep Emotional Inflammation from causing physical pain.

Great information for everyone, but especially if you feel like you just can't get to the root of your underlying tension and chronic symptoms. Well worth a few minutes of your time!

And to get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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How Juliet Got Her Life Back


At the age of 25, the orthopedic surgeon told Juliet: “You’re probably going to be in pain for the rest of your life.” In her mid-30’s, another doctor told her that she would never be able to pick up her young child again. The pain was too great and there was nothing they could do about it. 

But Juliet never listened to that bad advice. 

She did try most of the conservative remedies for back pain and got a little better, but the pain always came back. 

And then should found Dr. Sarno and accepted the mind-body connection as the cause of her back pain. And then she found the Pain Cure Clinic and purchased the Sarno 3.0 Master Class. 

And then she did the work and got better - permanently. YOU can too.
Watch Juliet’s story and be inspired. 

And to get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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Your Diagnosis Doesn't Matter


What do you mean, my diagnosis doesn’t matter? It’s true. If you have Tension Myositis Syndrome, then your medical diagnosis quickly becomes irrelevantSTOP here and take a big sigh...of relief!

There are dozens and dozens of “conditions” assigned to similar collections of chronic pain and other symptoms. But you only need ONE approach to heal all of them. So, join me right now for this episode where I’ll help you leave your doubts about TMS behind and start moving forward with your life!

One step closer to pain free,

And to get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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How Solly Got His Freedom Back


Solly was young, healthy, and strong, but while hiking in Nepal, he injured his foot and that injury turned into Tension Myositis Syndrome. It would not heal. Solly eventually got to the point where he was wheelchair bound and was using knee pads to go up and down the stairs. He couldn’t work and he couldn’t do much of anything.

It was really bad.

But then Solly discovered Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic. And Solly didn’t mess around. He did the necessary work. He got better. And now he’s back climbing mountains once again (no more wheelchairs).

Watch Solly’s amazing story of transformation recovery right now. He wants to help you get better too.
And to get started on YOUR recovery:
 Click Here

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Anxiety: The Avoidance Myth


Chronic anxiety can keep you just as trapped as chronic pain. And one can lead to the other...and back again in a frustrating game of "ping pong" - with you caught in the miserable middle.

You can STOP this madness and STOP the pain by taking action. In this episode, Laura shows you how. 

And to get started on YOUR recovery:
 Click Here

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Breaking the Habit of Pain


Breaking The Habit of Pain

A habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that are acquired through repetition. A habit is when you’ve done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your mind does. 

And so each day when a person wakes up and goes through their regular day, they are doing the same things and seeing the same people that pushed the same emotional buttons that they did the day before. 

Life is a collection of habits and those habits ends up causing chronic illness. So the biggest challenge to curing TMS is to wake up tomorrow and do something different than you did today. A person can say they want to act and think different tomorrow than today but the body (which is a reflection of the subconscious mind) says no. I want to stay the same.

So habit disruption is key to curing tension myositis syndrome. 

In this episode you will learn: 
* How...

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Overcoming Goodism



Greetings, Friends –


I’m thrilled to debut our first PODCAST – an interview with the wise and wonderful Dr. Aziz Gazipura. If you recognize that name, it’s because Dr. Aziz is not only a Pain Cure Clinic success story, but also the author of the book Not Nice  - which we recommend to our students as the “bible” for recovering Goodists.

First, you’ll hear Aziz’s journey to becoming chronic pain free – the ups the downs - and even what to do when pain strikes in the middle of the night. Then, there’s a great Q&A with Aziz about Not Nice.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How Aziz got comfortable rejecting his medical diagnosis (and so can you!)
- What perfectionism/people pleasing have to do with TMS
- Why it’s so important to prioritize your intensity to dial back the pain.
And SO much more to inspire you!

Thank you, Dr. Aziz – it was a joy to do...

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