TMS: Parsing Out the Pain

Jul 18, 2023

One of the most common coaching questions we get here at the Pain Cure Clinic is about which pain is TMS and which pain is from “real” structural problems. Most people we coach with TMS symptoms currently have or have had multiple pains and conditions over many years. And it’s hardly ever just back pain.

This is a key question and key point in the recovery of the TMS sufferer. Every week I hear things like: “Well, I believe the back pain is TMS but these other problems are real. I’ve seen the MRI. It’s structural." My favorite is: “It’s bone on bone for heaven’s sake!” Or “My mother had the same thing, it’s genetic.” Your mother was just as tense as you are.

There is often a defensiveness regarding prior surgeries as being necessary. Lately, we are noticing that everyone has had either shoulder surgery or hip replacement. It’s very, very common. While it may seem...

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TMS: Too Painful to Exercise

Jul 11, 2023


When you’ve got pain (whether in the neck, back, knees, or feet), it’s only logical to rest the affected area and wait for it to heal. Or at least it seems that way. But when you have TMS, resting the painful area doesn’t work. It only makes the situation worse and invites new pain symptoms in other parts of the body. It starts to snowball and people never get better.

Exercise is actually one of the best things you can do for chronic pain. It sends a message to your subconscious mind that:

You're NOT broken.
You’re NOT buying this pain charade.
You’re NOT playing.

But if you’ve been in pain for a while, it’s tough to get back into an exercise routine because it’s going to cause more pain - at least initially. And that’s the hard part. In this episode, John Thornton explains:

1. Why exercise is the shortest distance between you and pain free.
2. How to break through the bell-shaped curve of pain and get to...

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Becoming a TMS Bad Ass

Jun 27, 2023


TMS recovery means getting your mojo back. Separating from the herd. Following your own healing (mind-body) path.

All this adds up got it...being a bit of a 
Bad Ass! :) 

Join me for a more lighthearted, but still very important, perspective that will help you get motivated to do what you need to do to get rid of the pain . 3 Hacks to get you started. Let's go!

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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How Chronic Pain is Created

May 23, 2023


Wondering how you got to this point? Curing TMS isn’t hard once you understand where it comes from. Watch this video to learn the physiology behind the pain.

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The Power of Essentialism

May 16, 2023


For the past few years, I’ve been obsessed with a single question. What is it that causes smart, highly capable people from breaking through the wall and curing their chronic pain symptoms? Why is it so hard for so many people to cure TMS?

And the answer to that question - that I finally figured out (to my great surprise) is: SUCCESS! That’s right, success causes chronic pain and success also makes it hard to get rid of.

In this video, you’ll learn:
1. How in the world being successful can create pain.
2. Why a switch to Essentialism can be the solution to TMS.
3. And how to implement an Essentialist lifestyle.

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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TMS: Don't Panic

May 09, 2023


TMS will use any opening to instill fear, doubt and, yes, even panic at times. And since, your mind, your emotions AND your body are involved with stress-based symptoms, it makes sense that TMS attacks can come from both your mind and your body.

In this episode, Laura explains more about how TMS is sneaking up on you – mentally and physically.

PLUS: 3 Tips to help you avoid panic (and pain) when you know a potentially stressful situation is on the way!

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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The Origin of Pain

May 02, 2023


After reading one of Dr. Sarno’s books, a lot of chronic pain sufferers move forward trying to cure their pain or other chronic symptoms without correctly determining the origin of their problem. And that’s a mistake because knowing the cause is the key to finding the solution.

 In Dr. Sarno’s books, he talks a lot about physical and sexual abuse by a parent as being the origin of pain. And sometimes that’s true. However, in our experience, that’s not the most common problem. Not even close. Yes, the problem almost always starts with the parent. That’s true. But it’s usually a different (more psychological) type of abuse.

 In this video, you’ll learn:
1. The most common abuse that leads to TMS.
2. How it’s affecting you to this day.
3. And how to resolve the issue and free yourself from pain.

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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TMS Breaking Point

Apr 18, 2023


Hello friends. Are you "on board" with Tension Myositis Syndrome, but you just can't seem to make dent in the pain? You're not alone and you've landed in the right place. Today's topic is the TMS Breaking Point.

In this video, you’ll learn: 

  1. What a TMS Breaking Point is
  2. How to get over the first hurdle toward chronic pain free
  3. What your TMS Recovery looks like

Let's  get started!

Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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The Nocebo Effect

Apr 11, 2023


The Nocebo Effect is the opposite of its better known cousin the Placebo Effect. Instead of a false belief making you feel better (placebo), it’s a false belief that makes you feel worse (nocebo). 

The pain management industry takes a bad situation (chronic pain) and throws gasoline on it (nocebo effect), which can make it ten times worse. 

In this video, you’ll learn:
1. What exactly the Nocebo Effect is.
2. How doctors use the Nocebo Effect to create fear and perpetuate pain.
3. And what you can do to stop nocebos from harming you. 


Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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How Juliet Got Her Life Back

Mar 28, 2023


At the age of 25, the orthopedic surgeon told Juliet: “You’re probably going to be in pain for the rest of your life.” In her mid-30’s, another doctor told her that she would never be able to pick up her young child again. The pain was too great and there was nothing they could do about it. 

But Juliet never listened to that bad advice. 

She did try most of the conservative remedies for back pain and got a little better, but the pain always came back. 

And then should found Dr. Sarno and accepted the mind-body connection as the cause of her back pain. And then she found the Pain Cure Clinic and purchased the Sarno 3.0 Master Class. 

And then she did the work and got better - permanently. YOU can too.
Watch Juliet’s story and be inspired. 


Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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