Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Jan 14, 2025


Believe it or not, there’s actually a name for back surgery that has failed. It’s simply called:

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

The pain management industry loves to assign names for everything. They take basic stress-based symptoms (back pain) and give them complex names (ankylosing spondylitis) so they can create protocols and bill insurance. And now they’re making a syndrome out of surgical results so that they can justify bad outcomes.

Pretty much all chronic condition treatments fail, or they wouldn’t be chronic now, would they?

But I think it’s even more insidious than just giving their poor performance a name. I think the subliminal message is that it’s your fault. It’s not the doctor’s fault. He told you not to pick up a pillow for 8 weeks. Now look what you’ve done to yourself!

If you’ve had failed back surgery or any failed treatment, you might like John’s new video on the topic. And...

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The Recipe for a Pain-Free 2025

Jan 07, 2025

CLICK HERE to check out this first episode of 2025 which is about the psychosomatic nature of back pain - and the principles apply to any of your chronic conditions.

If you haven’t been able to heal the pain, it might be time to regroup, wipe the slate clean, and just begin again. Get a fresh start with no preconceived notions about “how this is supposed to work” and more importantly, why it’s not working yet.

The mind-body healing process does work, and it works every single time if you’ve got the correct recipe and all the ingredients in the right proportions. There’s really no guess work involved and there are no exceptions.

You can substitute one ingredient for another, but you can’t skip any key  ingredient, or it won’t work.

Trying to heal using just journaling is like trying to bake a cake with just flour. There’s nothing wrong with flour but by itself it can’t make a cake.

Happy New...

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Plum's Back Pain Recovery Story

Sep 10, 2024

Hello Laura and John. I am Plum (originally from Thailand) now living in Orlando, Florida and I had very bad back pain for about 7 years. It was very terrible until I purchased the back pain course about 2 months ago.

My doctor told me I had herniated discs. I tried everything I could think of. I tried acupuncture, chiropractor, shots in my back 4 times. I bought inversion table so I hang upside down. No good. Finally, I go to the surgeon who tells me I need surgery right now so I do it. Nothing. Pain was the same. I don’t believe anything they say anymore. Dr. Goobie was right.

Your course made me better for the first time in 7 years. The part that worked the best was the back stretching demonstration you did. Especially the one that John did released pain so fast I could not believe it.

So I tell my father about it because he has back pain too. I bought it for him also last week. He is already doing better. Thank you Laura and John for the back pain course. I has made my...

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MIT spine surgeon quits his profession.

Aug 13, 2024

A few weeks ago, a former neurosurgeon who specialized in back surgery posted a video about why he quit his esteemed profession. The video immediately went viral with over 10 million views in the first 10 days.

This former brain surgeon, known only as “Goobie", explains how he became a doctor to help people but could no longer in good conscience perform back surgery because it just did not work. A few patients got better but the vast majority did not. He felt like he was living a lie, and it was causing him multiple chronic physical symptoms. Goobie felt like if he continued doing surgery, he would die. The guilt and shame would eventually kill him.

This is an important video because what one spine surgeon knows, all spine surgeons know but are afraid to say. They all know that spine surgery doesn’t work because as you know - the pain is being caused by repressed emotions like anger. It’s hard to fight the system from the outside or the inside.

Goobie (who is only 39...

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Traci's Back Pain Success Story

Jul 29, 2024

About two years ago I had terrible debilitating lower back pain. Tried all the things, including meds, chiropractor and finally pain management doctors. MRI showed several things wrong with my back, that were causing the pain. Doctors saying they would start with injections, but surgery was on the horizon. They told me to stop running, stop lifting anything heavy and reduce my riding horses. I was devastated at 59 years old that all the things I loved were hurting me.

I had to stop baling my hay at my farm because it was just too painful.

That was when I started researching online and buying every book on the market about fixing back pain without doctors’ involvement and that’s how I stumbled upon the 2020 Sarno video.  I then got all his books and listened to them in succession but then I felt like I didn’t know what to do with all that information. I believed it to be true about TMS, but there wasn’t a program in all those books to follow, at least I...

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TMS: Momentum is the key to healing

Jun 28, 2024

Nothing makes the healing process easier than having momentum. And nothing makes it harder than attempting to heal for years but never establishing any momentum (or improvement).

So, what is healing momentum? Here’s a working definition:

Momentum is the force that propels your healing journey forward and is greater than the sum of your information, your strategy, and your effort combined. Momentum can actually make the process fun.

Healing momentum (which is identified by rapid symptom improvement) is categorized by 4 factors that will drive you forward. If these 4 factors are present, you’re as good as healed.

Creating momentum takes a considerable amount of effort. It’s like getting a rocket off the ground at Cape Canaveral. It takes a lot of energy and effort to escape the earth’s gravitational pull. However, once in space, it takes very little effort to keep moving forward.

There are four factors that fuel momentum:

1. Momentum is...

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Bob's Success Story

Jun 19, 2024

Bob proudly wearing his Sarno Medal of Freedom!


In 2018, I married the woman of my dreams. We both enjoyed our growing relationships with our combined family, and I thought nothing could be better.  But six months into our marriage while running on an elliptical machine, I felt a “snap” in my back followed by excruciating pain with electricity up and down my back and right leg. I fell from the elliptical, rolled up in a ball, and was able stand painfully with the aid of nearby steps. 

The next five years I lived the standard medical “chronic pain” regime related by Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic. According to the docs, it was surgery or a lifetime of pain. This pain was unlike any I had experienced; the excruciating pain and duration of debilitation was overwhelming. I was brought to tears and bitterness more than once, tempted by the promises of surgeons with great reputations –among their peers. Friends who had the surgery...

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Landmark Trial Shows Opioids for Back Pain No Better Than Placebo

Jun 07, 2024


Opioids do not relieve acute low back pain in the short run and lead to worse outcomes when the back pain becomes chronic. This is the result of the first randomized controlled study of safety and efficacy of the use of opioids for lower back pain. 

 After 6 weeks, there was no significant difference in pain scores of patients who took opioids compared to those who took the placebo. And amazingly, after one year, the placebo patients had lower pain scores than those taking the real thing. 

This study* was conducted by Christine Lin PhD. in Australia with 347 adults who had been experiencing low back pain for at least 12 weeks. 

Doctor Lin comments about the study: 
"We need to reassure doctors and patients that most people with lower back pain will recover with time if they manage the process properly by - staying active, avoiding bed rest, and if necessary, using a heat pack for short term relief.” 

 *Study conducted by the National...

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Jeff Overcame Years of Pain

Apr 16, 2024



“About halfway through the second go around of the (Master Class) videos, all the pain went away.”

Jeff from Pennsylvania had a variety of chronic pain symptoms for most of his life. In other words, Jeff was a typical TMS sufferer. He started out with plantar fasciitis (foot pain) which lasted for 20 years.

Jeff had custom orthotics made and then needles put into his feet. Then they tried paddling his feet and more orthotics and more needles. This sounds like more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Then Jeff had hip pain supposedly from skydiving in the past. He tried physical therapy, heat treatments and a tens unit which is similar to shock therapy. Nothing of course helped at all.

Next came back pain which was the worst pain of all. More suffering.

Jeff eventually found Dr. Sarno, and then the Pain Cure Clinic and finally after a lifetime of pain symptoms, Jeff was cured - pain level zero.

t’s a great story of Jeff’s...

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Back pain gone in 2 days

Mar 12, 2024



That’s what Rusty in Arizona did after watching the Sarno Master Class.

He had tried everything medical and then finally found Dr. Sarno’s book - Healing Back Pain and thought it sounded right.

Apparently, it was. Watch this short but powerful video of Rusty’s transformation. Now he can do anything.


Click here for the FREE Back Cure Workshop

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