Healing Back Pain in 2024



Eight out of ten people in the industrialized world experience back pain at least once in their lifetimes.

50% of all working Americans (about 80 million) have back pain every year.

And about 10% of adult Americans develop chronic back pain every year. That’s about 30 million people.

The financial cost of back pain in the United States is approximately three quarters of a Trillion US dollars per year. This……is a BIG problem.

So, in today’s video, John explains:
- Why, with the right information, this big problem can become a minor issue and solved quickly and easily.
- How he relabeled his pain and cured himself in short order.
- How YOU can change your perception of back pain to escape the medical industrial complex forever. 

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Jeff: Sarno Medal of Freedom

Greetings from Jeff in Pennsylvania!

Foot pain was just the start - 20+ years ago. One day I woke up with burning, stinging pain in my heels and a dull ache in my arches. Where did this come from? I blamed it on playing basketball with my kids barefoot.

My family physician recommended that I see a physical therapist for inflammation from plantar fasciitis. The PT gave me stretches to do and made plaster casts of my feet for custom orthotics. I wore the orthotics. The pain persisted. I found a podiatrist. He was not impressed with my orthotics. They wobbled. He took them back to his workshop and tinkered with them.

Then the podiatrist suggested injections directly into my heels. He warned that this would hurt. He was right. He was very right! I’ll never forget leaving his office and driving to our son's school to pick him up from a Cub Scout gathering. I was practically crawling from my car into the school. The pain from the shot eventually went away. But the PF kept right on...

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Cato: Sarno Medal of Freedom

My name is Cato. I’m 19 years old and I’m from the Netherlands. A little bit over a year and a half ago, I started getting really intense groin and leg pain. I was told to stop working out (so it could heal) but the pain only got worse. My physiotherapist told me not to participate in any activities that caused me pain, however this meant that I couldn't participate in any physical activities anymore.

Even though people around me told me differently, I knew that this was not my "destiny" and that I would be able to get back to the gym and live like a normal teenager again. 

While googling about nerve pain (because me orthopedist told me that could possibly be the cause), I stumbled across the Pain Cure Clinic. Learning about my personality and stress as a cause of pain was like a world opening up to me. As soon as I found out about TMS, I was determined to beat it and become pain free. It sure came with many ups and downs and I had to overcome my...

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The TMS Billionaire

In the beginning of the 20th Century, poor people came to the United States from all over the world to make a new life for themselves. They worked very hard, saved every penny, and many of them, who showed up with almost nothing in their pockets, became very rich. They became the new rich - otherwise known as the “nouveau riche”. Their strong work ethic has become the foundation for the financial success of the United States.

Then, 16 years ago, author Tim Ferris identified a big problem with this hard-working mindset. Tim said:

“What’s the point of working all the time and saving all your money if you never enjoy yourself or your life?”  This just doesn’t make sense.

Tim wrote the mega best-selling book The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9 to 5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. And this time, “new rich” meant rich with time as well as money. This book is Tim’s autobiographical account of running a passive income...

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TMS: 5 Quick Fear Hacks



Chronic pain can create a lot of fear. Worry that the pain or other symptoms will never go away. Fear about being able to do the things you love - like recreational activities and travel. And even fear of being able to work, manage your daily routine and stay independent.

Fear is a heavy load and, in this episode, I want to lighten this burden by giving you

5 Quick Fear Hacks for Tension Myositis Syndrome.

You can use these hacks right away to start healing TMS for good. Your chronic pain free life is just around the corner!

Cheering You On!
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What to do when TMS flares up


Sometimes, just when you think you’ve got TMS under control, all the sudden TMS pain flares up - seemingly out of nowhere. Just when you thought you had a handle on it.

It’s not only painful, but also frustrating. Don’t be discouraged. Often, the increase in symptoms is because you’re starting to win the battle and your subconscious is making a last-ditch effort to stop your progress. 
A flare up may just mean that you’re getting closer and closer to curing yourself.

In this video, John explains the 4-step action process for flare ups:

- You’ll learn the 1st and most important thing to do to end the flare quickly. 

- You’ll learn how the TMS flare is correlated to a flare up in emotional conflict.

- You’ll learn how stop flare ups from occurring in the future.

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TMS: Resistance is Futile


Why would anyone resist healing their chronic pain? Well, my friends, it's not the pain you're resisting directly, but something in your life that needs to change.

In this important episode, Laura tackles this incredibly common barrier to TMS recovery. So DON'T RESIST and join her right now to learn how to get over your resistance hurdles and leave chronic pain behind for good!

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TMS: My Heart is Racing


High blood pressure is one of the very few “medical conditions” that traditional medicine admits is caused by stress. According to a recent survey of primary care doctors, they believed that:

•   40% of hypertension is caused by genetics.
•   35% is caused by lifestyle: poor diet, no exercise, smoking.
•   25% percent is caused by stress.

However, Dr. Samuel Mann MD, who specializes in hypertension and was a colleague of Dr. Sarno, has studied stress for decades and he has a different take on it. The question Dr. Mann poses is this:

Is hypertension caused by daily stresses like traffic & technology? 
Or is hypertension caused by repressed negative emotions? 

Dr. Mann says that a large percentage of hypertension can be categorized as TMS, and he’s created a unique way of determining whether HBP is caused by the stress and anxiety of daily life or deep-seated repressed...

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Stu: Sarno Medal of Freedom

Like many people in the United States (and around the world), our client Stu had terrible constant back pain for 2 1/2 years.

Stu got the Sarno Master Class recently and here’s a quote from the message we received from him.

“I really give you both credit for bringing it all together for me in one place where I’m able to take action with all my new beliefs and understandings about the mind-body connection. I never really paid much attention to my mental health before, but now I know it’s the single most important thing I can do to remain pain free.”

Stu followed the Master Class for eight weeks and said he’s grateful that he’s no longer constantly consumed with the distraction of pain. He also writes that:

“I am a big believer in what you guys are doing and want to express my extreme gratitude for your help. You do have to do the work, but it is definitely worth it. Thank you for your guidance and encouragement. I will stay in touch and...

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Sarno's 12 Daily Reminders (explained)

sarno daily reminders Oct 24, 2023


Greetings Friends! In today's episode, we're going back to basics by revisiting our beloved Dr. Sarno's 12 Daily Reminders for TMS.

These guidelines are the centerpiece for TMS recovery; however, in my experience, they are sometimes misinterpreted and not used to their fullest. 


So, join me now for Sarno's 12 Daily Reminders - explained. This will be time well spent!


Always On Your Side,



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