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TMS Cured in 90 Days or Less

Aug 22, 2023


There’s a prevailing idea out there with TMSers that emotions are just too complicated, and the subconscious mind is just too complicated to expect a permanent cure in any kind of a reasonable time period. It’s just too hard.

That idea is completely wrong. Dr. Sarno would beg to differ and so do we. This wrong thinking comes from the fact that most people have never attempted to use a real time-sensitive plan to cure their TMS.

Well, in this video, Laura explains the actual recipe for curing TMS that we use, and she also demonstrates (with motion graphics) how this recipe will pull you directly through the healing process in a very automatic way. You’ve probably never seen a real plan. In this video, you’ll learn:

- The 3 most important actions for curing TMS
- How to actually cure TMS is a timely 90-day fashion
- How to monitor your progress down to a zero pain level

This will be a real eye opener for most TMS sufferers.

To see our ...

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Sarno Medal of Freedom: Ellen

Aug 15, 2023

By all visible accounts, Ellen from New Zealand had a very successful life. She had a good marriage and good kids. She owns a successful business and has lots of friends. But how successful can life really be when you’re in constant pain and have other chronic symptoms?

Ellen had been suffering from many chronic conditions her whole life - from digestive disorders to TMJ - even carpal tunnel syndrome. Apparently, the computer keyboard was too much for her even though she is very physically fit.

Ellen wanted out of the pain/symptom loop. She’d finally had enough. So, when a friend mentioned Dr. Sarno, she read his book: The Mind-Body Prescription. It made total sense.

Then she contacted the Pain Cure Clinic to help her implement a strategy for curing what she now knew were TMS symptoms (not medical conditions). Ellen realized that her great life was a little “too great”- with too many moving parts. She needed to scale back. And that’s what she did.


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TMS: Stop Running

Aug 08, 2023


What do I mean stop running? Don't we always encourage our students to start moving? Yes - and that hasn't changed, friends.


The type of running I want you to stop is related to a negative MENTAL habit that you need to break to recover from chronic pain and other symptoms. It’s a topic that came up recently in a chat in our private Facebook group and it’s a common problem.

This perspective may be an “ah ha” moment for you too and well worth a few minutes of your time. And I wrap up this episode with 3 Action Steps to help you back off your frantic pace, calm your nervous system and heal!

To find out the real way to heal back painclick on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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Sarno Medal Of Freedom: Mark

Aug 01, 2023

When Mark came to the Pain Cure Clinic, he was on his last leg - plagued by a variety of chronic symptoms that kept moving around his body for decades. He told us that going to doctors’ offices had become a full-time job. He had eczema, digestive issues, back pain, and peripheral neuropathy. And the day his tinnitus went away he got foot pain in both feet and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Mark had a big case of the symptom imperative. Mark was not having fun.

However, Mark is a natural skeptic and when he found Dr. Sarno’s book The Mind-Body Prescription, he knew his doctors where all wrong. He knew instinctively that this was an emotional problem, not a structural one. Being a highly sought-after economist, he knew that his opportunity costs of switching to Dr. Sarno’s methods were very low. Medical treatment had produced only bad results. So, Mark went to work. He read all of Dr. Sarno’s books. And then he contacted the Pain Cure Clinic and...

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Osiris Beat the Odds

Jul 25, 2023


They say that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, but not after your eyes have adjusted to the dark. And for our client Osiris, it had gotten very dark indeed.

Osiris had been a highly athletic teenager with a bright future. He had a scholarship to the University of Southern California and was also planning a career in the military to serve his country. But then he got hit very hard with Tension Myositis Syndrome all over his body.

And in the course of just one year, Osiris went from a highly active teenager to legally disabled and bedridden 24/7. The pain was so excruciating, he could barely breathe.

But then he found Dr. Sarno and the Pain Cure Clinic and, needless to say, everything got a whole lot better. If you need some inspiration today, Osiris is going to give it to you right now - in spades.

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all TMS conditions click on the image below. 


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TMS: Parsing Out the Pain

Jul 18, 2023

One of the most common coaching questions we get here at the Pain Cure Clinic is about which pain is TMS and which pain is from “real” structural problems. Most people we coach with TMS symptoms currently have or have had multiple pains and conditions over many years. And it’s hardly ever just back pain.

This is a key question and key point in the recovery of the TMS sufferer. Every week I hear things like: “Well, I believe the back pain is TMS but these other problems are real. I’ve seen the MRI. It’s structural." My favorite is: “It’s bone on bone for heaven’s sake!” Or “My mother had the same thing, it’s genetic.” Your mother was just as tense as you are.

There is often a defensiveness regarding prior surgeries as being necessary. Lately, we are noticing that everyone has had either shoulder surgery or hip replacement. It’s very, very common. While it may seem...

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TMS: Too Painful to Exercise

Jul 11, 2023


When you’ve got pain (whether in the neck, back, knees, or feet), it’s only logical to rest the affected area and wait for it to heal. Or at least it seems that way. But when you have TMS, resting the painful area doesn’t work. It only makes the situation worse and invites new pain symptoms in other parts of the body. It starts to snowball and people never get better.

Exercise is actually one of the best things you can do for chronic pain. It sends a message to your subconscious mind that:

You're NOT broken.
You’re NOT buying this pain charade.
You’re NOT playing.

But if you’ve been in pain for a while, it’s tough to get back into an exercise routine because it’s going to cause more pain - at least initially. And that’s the hard part. In this episode, John Thornton explains:

1. Why exercise is the shortest distance between you and pain free.
2. How to break through the bell-shaped curve of pain and get to...

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Osiris: Sarno Medal of Freedom Winner

Jul 04, 2023

On this day in 1776, the colonies of America declared their independence from the tyrannical rule of England (although we’ve made up since then and England is now our closest ally). The colonists considered freedom a God given right, and we agree. And freedom from pain is just as important. 


Our client, Osiris Kelly, also agrees. He suffered from excruciating pain throughout his body from a very young age. At one point it was so bad, he wasn’t sure if he was going to make it. He wasn’t sure he wanted to. 


But then he found Dr. Sarno and has made a complete 180-degree turnaround. You can see it in the pictures above.* 


Osiris is the first recipient of our Sarno Medal of Freedom, and we couldn’t have asked for a better one. He has the grit and independent spirit of Dr. Sarno - the namesake of this award. Excellent job Osiris! He has won the battle. We'll share his complete story in a video coming soon. 


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Becoming a TMS Bad Ass

Jun 27, 2023


TMS recovery means getting your mojo back. Separating from the herd. Following your own healing (mind-body) path.

All this adds up got it...being a bit of a 
Bad Ass! :) 

Join me for a more lighthearted, but still very important, perspective that will help you get motivated to do what you need to do to get rid of the pain . 3 Hacks to get you started. Let's go!

To find out the real way to heal back painclick on the image below. Our Healing Back Pain Master Class ($29). 


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TMS: Upper Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain

Jun 20, 2023


One of the most common places that Tension Myositis Syndrome shows up (and wreaks havoc) is in the upper back, neck, and shoulder area of the body. That’s where common sayings like these come from: 

- That guy is a pain in the neck.
- That lady is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
- That guy has a monkey on his back.

There’s a method to all this madness though. And in this video, John Thornton is going to explain what’s really going on:

  1. How muscles, nerves, and tendons are tightened by way of oxygen deprivation that ends up causing upper back, neck, and shoulder pain. 
  2. Why medical diagnoses like disc abnormalities, bone spurs, osteoarthritis, and rotator cuff tears are not valid causes for the pain.
  3. And why the medical establishment doesn’t acknowledge the mind-body connection as the cause of these upper body chronic pains. 

To see our Sarno Master Class ($29) for all...

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